
  • Direct job search assistance
  • Mock interviews
  • Interviewing advice & tools
  • Sample questions with ideal answers
  • Professional behavior critiques
  • Do's & Don'ts
  • Career path guidance
  • Resume writing & revisions
  • Resume distribution to 300+ recruiters
  • Social media profile review/optimization
  • Job search strategy/planning

    I can assure you that a session with me will build your confidence.  A free tip for you...the candidate's confidence is extremely important to the interviewer in their hiring decision.
    Some other career coaches/counsellors and resume writers that are in it for the money will charge you hundreds of dollars for an hour or two.

    Here's an exact price quote about my inquiry to another career coach/resume writer: "Typically resumes are in the $550-700 range. Mock Interviews, 1/2 hour interview and 1/2 hour feedback are $200."

    That seems a bit counter-intuitive and unfair to someone that is having trouble even finding a job.

    Based upon what you would like help with, I can provide you a price quote that is a fraction of that and quite fair!

    Don't forget to check with your tax professional, it is likely to qualify as a tax deduction!

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